Our Teachers

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems

Mahatma Gandhi

Team Members

Charlie Mills

Business Coacher

Suspendisse potenti. Integer rhoncus congue ante at tempor. Vestibulum nisl magna.

Ellie Baxter

Business Coacher

Curabitur elementum fringilla est. Nullam malesuada elementum libero id sagittis.

Sofia Woods


Maecenas sed magna sed magna accumsan vulputate nec eget nisl.

Trusted By

Patrick is a highly skilled and diligent professional investor with expertise across multiple sectors. He made significant contributions to portfolio results by adhereing to a disciplined investment approach that blended rigorous bottoms-up work with original top-down insights. His portfolio management abilities, along with his attention to detail, would make him a valuable asset to any investment organization.

Jeremy Cote, CFA

Jeremy Cote, CFA

Research Analyst

Professor Gregory is the most professional and hands-on challenging professor I have had the pleasure of learning from and interacting with both inside and outside the classroom. His work ethic and integrity can easily be quantified by looking at his success and that of those students who have worked for him. Patrick is truly an asset to any organization and I look forward to any opportunity to work with him in the future.

Chris Valois, CFA

Chris Valois, CFA

Risk Analyst

Patrick is adept at seamlessly executing both quantitative and fundamental research while at the same time employing a level headed GARP framework to valuing a business. By overlaying rigorous portfolio management, Patrick is able to understand and navigate the various risks in managing a Healthcare sector fund, resulting in consistent outperformance. Enthusiasm and a strong work ethic only add to the value Patrick brings to an organization.

Paul Washburn, CFA

Paul Washburn, CFA

Portfolio Manager